Tuesday, December 29, 2009

becky and shannon stopped by to help

becky and shannon stopped by to help, nicole told them, they more to molly, as little girls again, becky let her hair and took off her glasses,shannon took off her hat, they both were standing infront of nicolle, nicolle fired her youth shrink ray gun at both becky and shannon, becky was standing in her baggy full grown woman clothes, becky put her glasses back on and looked into the wall mirror saw herself turned into a 10 year old girl, she was standing her baggy clothes, her jewelery dropped to the ground, shannon looked in the mirrior ,and saw herself, turned back into a little girl again ,wearing her baggy full grown clothes which were too big for to wear anymore.

molly, terri, megan, rachel and megan ride bikes

molly, megan, rachel megan, teri get their bikes out of molly's parents garage , to working on their important case, and little girl detectives.
molly's sister nicole will stay a full grown woman, to work the computers at their detective agency and put ex-hand guns with ex-bullets under each of their desks.

Monday, December 28, 2009

molly ,megan rachel get younger again

molly,megan rachel and terri can only work as private detectives turned into little girls again.
when molly, megan, rachel, terri, get done working at their jobs at a doggie daycare place run by doggies ,who hide money from the u.s government.
molly,megan, rachel and terri are turned into little girls, by their boss named becky, who stays a full grown 45 year old woman, to help run their detective agency.
molly's doggie side kicks francis and georgie work the front desk and answer the phones.
molly's megan's terri's and rachel 's first case as very younger little girl detectives find out why both hillary duff and her sister haylie duff, were both turned into little girls, by evil kate gosslin.